by Michelle Hon | Mar 17, 2015 | ADVERTORIAL, KIDS
Georgia is turning 8 months old in 3 days time. Sometimes she sleeps from 8:30pm to 6am – hurray! But most of the time, she wakes up around 3am for a feed or diaper change. It made me wonder why is it sometimes she could sleep through the night and sometimes...
by Michelle Hon | Mar 15, 2015 | MOTHERHOOD, TRAVEL
Although we’ve been to Universal Studios Singapore when Lauren was just a baby, I always thought it is something that we will only revisit when Lauren turns 5 or older, because 1. My husband is not a fan of rides and 2. My toddler is equally as scaredy-cat and...
by Michelle Hon | Mar 10, 2015 | ADVERTORIAL, SELF CARE
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! Palmer Skin Therapy Oil For Face (Review & Giveaway) I used to wash my face with soap, spend hours in the sun and party late into the nights and still had perfect skin....
by Michelle Hon | Mar 8, 2015 | KIDS, MOTHERHOOD
One thing about motherhood is that time passes in a flash. I meant to post this last month but my photo culling process took too long, it is already March. So most events happened back in Feb and I also added a few that happened just today. Kids grow up so quickly,...
by Michelle Hon | Feb 25, 2015 | KIDS, MOTHERHOOD
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! 7 Hidden Things To Look Out For During Your Next Preschool Visit I was out on a mommies’ night out with some friends I met at Lauren’s playgroup. Naturally, the topic of...
by Michelle Hon | Feb 16, 2015 | KIDS
Well we all know how important it is to read to young children. Young children who are regularly read to have a larger vocabulary, higher levels of phonological, letter name, and sound awareness, and better success at decoding words. Trouble is, they may not have the...