5 Favourite Essential Oils for Green Cleaning

5 Favourite Essential Oils for Green Cleaning

Essential oils have plenty of properties and benefits. Unlike what many people may think, essential oils do much more than adding a fresh and invigorating smell to homemade cleaners. It’s quite the opposite actually; they have antibacterial and antimicrobial...
Become A Key Person of Influence

Become A Key Person of Influence

I’ve got something special to share with you.Not sure if you remember, but earlier this year I had a big a-ha on my life purpose (wrote about it here). You see, I had just started my 40 weeks entrepreneur training program called “Key Person of Influence...
So This Is Three..

So This Is Three..

My baby turns 3 years old today. If she can read this, she would say, “No, it’s Elsa’s birthday”, as she always corrects us when we use her name for the past month. In case you are wondering, I’m Anna, her daddy’s Christof and...
My September + Glitter Glam Giveaway!

My September + Glitter Glam Giveaway!

I feel like I haven’t done an update post in a while. So I guess I’ll write one now since September was pretty full on in Michelleland.First off, I went away without both kids for the first time earlier in the month. I went to Cameron Highland, Malaysia...