Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! MomBoss Spotlight: Dato Icemichelle Chen Dato Icemichelle Chen – the owner and founder of Supreme Q.X. Spa has bagged numerous business awards including Inspiring Asean Business...
by Michelle Hon | Apr 27, 2016 | KIDS, SPONSORED POST
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! Heguru Education: My Daughters’ Progress Report Since my first article on Heguru in October last year, I’ve received many questions about the program and how it has benefitted...
by Michelle Hon | Apr 23, 2016 | PREGNANCY
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! My Unorthodox Ways to Stop Morning Sickness Vomiting I’ve a confession to make. I’ve never experienced morning sickness during my last 2 pregnancies. I know right, lucky cow....
by Michelle Hon | Apr 20, 2016 | LIFESTYLE, SPONSORED POST
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! A Review Of Samsung Galaxy View The very first thing I noticed about Samsung Galaxy View is its sheer size. It is VERY big. Okay, maybe not that big but compared to our Ipad mini, the...
by Michelle Hon | Apr 18, 2016 | MOTHERHOOD
Shortly after this post, my fellow mummy bloggers at Singapore Mom Bloggers have expressed interest in writing the same. Hence, we’re starting a ‘How I Met Your Father’ blogtrain! For the next 3 weeks, each mummy blogger takes turn to share their...
by Michelle Hon | Apr 13, 2016 | MOTHERHOOD, MUMPRENEURSHIP
Unleash The Capable and Confident MomBoss in You You can do this. LET'S GO! A Week In Life Of A Mom Blogger I personally don’t think the life of a mum blogger is that much different from any other mother. Aren’t we all trying to fit everything into...