The Proper Way to Clean 4 Common Kitchen Appliances
For people who love to cook or eat mostly home-cooked meals, the kitchen is one of the most used spaces in their home. Preparing food takes time and effort, and though some may find joy in the process, using modern technology in the form of kitchen appliances is a great way to make cooking a little easier. Some of these appliances have become necessary staples in every kitchen, such as a fridge for preserving and cooling food or a shiny new gas hob. It would be difficult to have a kitchen without a way to cook or store food safely.
As dependent as we are on these kitchen appliances, it only makes sense to properly care for them so that they stay useful and fully functional for years to come. Apart from getting them professionally serviced and repaired whenever necessary, cleaning your appliances can help prolong their lifespan and ensure that they can be used safely.
There are many different types of kitchen appliances and the best way to know how to clean them is to check the user manual for instructions. However, these little booklets are often lost or thrown out along with the box packaging. If this is the case, read on below to find out how to properly clean some of the most common kitchen appliances that are found in most homes.
Start by removing everything inside your fridge so it’s easier to wipe up any spills and clean all the surfaces. Some people use an all-purpose cleaner for this task, but you can easily substitute it with a bit of dishwashing liquid and vinegar diluted in water. This helps to keep the environment free from bacteria and unpleasant odours.
Throw out any food that has gone bad, even if it isn’t yet past its expiration date. Spoiled food can give you a serious case of food poisoning and cause your fridge to stink. Unless you are saving them for a special occasion and the items are well-preserved, you should also throw out any foods that have gone untouched for more than a month to keep your fridge clutter-free.
Don’t forget to also wipe down the fridge exterior, especially the handles. You can also unplug the refrigerator and carefully pull it out from its spot so you can dust and mop the area behind it. Finally, it’s especially important to clean the refrigerator coils as the build-up of dirt can affect the compressor. Use a vacuum and a paintbrush to remove all traces of dust and grime.
Spills and splatters often happen while you’re heating food in the microwave. It’s best to clean these up immediately so that they don’t get crusty and difficult to remove from the surfaces. You can use a weak vinegar and water solution to wipe these off and remove traces of grease. If the mess has already baked into the walls, use the microwave to boil a cup of water in a microwave-safe container. Once the water has boiled, turn off the heat and allow the water to steam inside for a few minutes. The steam will soften any hardened residues and make them easy to wipe off. You can also add a lemon slice to the water before boiling to deodorize the microwave.
Coffee Machine
To get the best tasting coffee, it’s best to clean your machine after every use. Coffee beans can leave an oily residue that can affect the taste of later batches but you can remove this by gently washing those chambers with mild soap and water. Make sure that all parts are fully dry before putting them back into the machine.
The water reservoir can also build up with mineral deposits over time, causing a clog in the system. Descale the reservoir by mixing equal amounts of distilled white vinegar and water in the chamber and allow the solution to sit for up to an hour. Afterwards, brew the solution so that it can deep clean the rest of the machine. Follow with at least two more brewing cycles with just plain water to remove the taste and odour of the vinegar. Doing this at least once every quarter can keep your coffee tasting great.
Rice Cooker
The cooking chamber is usually composed of a nonstick pot but if you’ve had the misfortune of burning your rice or having hard bits stuck to the surface, simply soak the pot in soapy water until the grains soften and become easy to remove. Never attempt to pry away hardened rice with a sharp tool or an abrasive scrubber as this will damage the surface coating.
If you overfill the rice cooker, you run the risk of having water spill out from the pot when it starts to boil. When this happens, wipe up the spills immediately with a rag or towel to prevent them from getting to other parts of the machine. Clean up the rest of the mess once the rice is cooked and the machine has cooled. You can use a towel dampened with a water and vinegar solution to remove any spills and food particles from the hot plate, as these can become mouldy and attract pests.
Kitchen appliances make food preparation and storage a lot easier. Make sure that your appliances are always clean and safe to use with food. By cleaning them regularly, you can also ensure that they continue to function well long into the future.
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