Yoga Poses for Kids That You Can Do at Home
At their age, kids are often not pressured to be conscious about their bodies. They’re young, energetic, and are considerably healthier than most adults. They’re more focused on exploring the fun side of the world. However, it’s important to teach them the importance of health and wellness as early as now.
Fortunately, there’s a fun way for kids to practice a healthy lifestyle—doing yoga poses!
Why should kids practice yoga?
Out of all the exercises out there, why yoga? And considering the shorter attention span and patience of children, it might be difficult to have them engage in a meditative workout like this.
Believe it or not, yoga is an ideal physical activity for kids. It’s even recognized for its inclusivity because it can be practiced by people of all ages. Yoga practice can help your little one become physically stronger and it also teaches them to manage stress and balance the body, mind, and spirit.
So, all in all, yoga practice is a good way to keep your child physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
What are the benefits of yoga for kids?
Given that there are plenty of online games and too much fast food nowadays, those are probably ideal reasons to encourage your child to adopt a healthier lifestyle as early as today. Lack of physical movement and indulging in unhealthy food may not be as damaging as they could be once your child ages. It’s better to be prepared now rather than never—and you can start with yoga!
Yoga is more than just stretching and being able to do an impressive pose like a handstand, it’s about learning how to connect with your inner self and your surroundings. This is a great way for children to learn how to give importance to their overall health and well-being.
Here are the following benefits of yoga for kids:
- Improves strength and balance
- Improves mind and body coordination
- Improves quality of sleep
- Develops resilience and mood
- Reduces anxiety/depression
- Lowers stress levels
- Enhances focusing ability
- Enhances body alignment/posture
- Improves aerobic capacity
10 Best Yoga Poses for Kids To Do at Home
Yoga has so many styles and variations. There are countless yoga poses that you can do. However, certain ones are most suitable and effective for the kids to do.
All you have to do is to combine these poses in one routine that they can do in the morning. Remember to make it fun so that your little one/s will actively participate!
1. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
This is probably the easiest pose there is on this list. Here, the child will go into a sitting pose with their legs crossed. Some of them might call this the “crisscross applesauce”, but feel free to give it any fun nickname for them to remember.
- Sit on the ground with the back straight.
- Cross the legs with the knees nearly touching the floor.
- The hands can either be positioned in the following ways: rested on the knees facing up or palms together at the center of the heart.
- Hold the pose for multiple breaths (5 – 8) or while meditating.
Benefits: This pose helps strengthen back muscles, improve posture, increase flexibility in the legs and hips, and reduce stress levels.
Caution: If your child finds it difficult to sit flat on the floor, put a folded blanket or a pillow under their hips for support.
2. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
This pose is fun to do but at the same time, it provides so many benefits to the body. It’s given this name because doing it is like imitating a flying butterfly.
- Sit on the ground with the back straight and the legs extended out front.
- Fold the legs until the feet are touching each other. Provide support by holding the feet with the hands.
- Inhale deeply. Then while exhaling, slowly move the thighs and knees downward.
- Start flapping the legs in an upward and downward motion, just like the wings of a butterfly. It should be done slowly at first then will gradually speed up. Make sure breathing is at a normal pace throughout.
- Then, slow down until eventually coming to a stop.
- Exhale as the posture is gently being released.
Benefits: This pose is a good stretch for the hips, knees, and thighs. It also helps regulate bowel movement and helps with painless menstruation.
Caution: Put a blanket below the thighs if your kid has a groin or knee injury. This is to prevent them from feeling pain or discomfort.
3. Child’s Pose (Balasana)
The Child’s Pose, despite its name, is not exclusive to children but it is one of the ideal poses for them. It’s easy to do and being in the posture feels safe and comforting, like a child being inside the womb of a mother. This posture is purely for relaxation but some parents use this to calm down their children if they’re upset or hyperactive.
- Go on all fours with the hands and knees on the floor.
- Press the hips back until the bottoms are nearly touching the heels of the feet.
- The arms can either be outstretched in front or curled on the sides of the body.
Benefits: This will help increase strength in the hips, legs, and ankles. It also promotes relaxation and reduces stress by releasing the tension in the body.
Caution: This pose should be avoided if the child has a knee injury.
4. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Another one of the easiest poses to do, Mountain Pose is considered the foundational posture for all yoga asanas. This is more than just standing though—this will help calm down your little one and provide many health benefits.
- Stand tall with the spine lengthened and the legs slightly apart.
- Spread the toes and keep the arms on the sides of the body. Shoulders must be relaxed.
- Raise the arms toward the sky.
- Hold the posture and breath slowly and deeply as long as it’s still comfortable.
Benefits: This is great for strengthening the muscles in the thighs, legs, and ankles and tightening the abdomen and hips. It also improves posture and quality of sleep.
5. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Being in this position tests the person’s ability to balance or steady themselves. It might appear challenging, but it happens to be one of the most popular poses among kids.
- Start from a Mountain Pose with the legs straight and the arms at the sides.
- Lift one foot and place it on the inner thigh of the opposite leg. Shift the weight on the standing foot while doing this.
- Bring the palms of the hands together at the chest.
- Hold the posture for a few breaths before repeating the same process on the other side.
Benefits: It improves balance, corrects posture, and even promotes creativity among children. It also strengthens muscles in the hips, core, glutes, and legs.
Caution: It can be hard for some to balance themselves on one foot the first time. If this is the case for your child, allow them to stand with their back against a wall for support.
6. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
The cobra pose is very fun and satisfying to do. This will help your kid lengthen their spin and stretch their lower back, especially since a lot of them spend most of their time in front of the computer!
- Start by lying on the belly.
- Bring the palms of the hands to the floor directly under the shoulders.
- Gently lift the torso with the help of the back and core muscles.
- Hold the posture for a few breaths.
Benefits: This will effectively stretch out the muscles in the chest, arms, back, and abdomen. It also promotes better circulation, increased awareness, and enhanced creativity. This is also an ideal pose for positivity because it decreases stress and anxiety.
7. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lots of kids are familiar with this pose, so there’s not much to worry about teaching this to them. Still, it can be an awkward position so make sure to guide your little one along to execute it properly.
- Lie on the back with the knees slightly bent and feet a hip-width apart.
- Make sure that the knees and ankles are forming straight lines.
- Let the arms rest on the sides of the body, palms facing the floor.
- Breathe in deeply as the hips are gently lifted off the floor. The arms, shoulders, and feet should be the ones supporting the body weight.
- Tighten the buttocks.
- Interlace fingers of both hands under the hips and push against the floor to lift the pelvis higher.
Benefits: It increases the spine’s flexibility, strengthens the back and hamstrings, and opens the shoulders, chest, hips, and thighs.
Caution: If the child cannot lift their pelvis from the floor, place a bolster under the tailbone for support. But if you’re kid is having trouble with shoulder or neck pain, consult a yoga instructor or a professional to help modify the pose.
8. Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)
This is a classic pose that can be usually found in Hatha Yoga. This is a full-blown stretch that starts from the calves up to the spine. Lots of people do this stretch before dancing or any form of athletic activity.
- Sit on the floor with the legs stretched out in front.
- Raise arms to the ceiling before gently folding the torso forward.
- Try to reach for the toes of the feet. If it’s found difficult, reach for the legs instead.
- Hold the pose for a few breaths.
Benefits: It’s a great stretch for improving digestion, reducing fatigue, and promoting relaxation.
Caution: If your little one is struggling to reach their tones, let them bend their knees a little or have them aim for the legs instead. Bit by bit, they will get better at it.
9. Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)
This is another animal-named yoga pose that is perfect for engaging the back and core muscles. Plus, it’s very easy to execute!
- Form a tabletop or an all-four position with hands and knees on the floor.
- Knees should be directly below the hips and toes are curled. At the same time, shoulders, elbows, and wrists should be straightened and perpendicular to the floor.
- Fixate the gaze onto the floor in front.
- While exhaling, arch the back with the spine toward the ceiling. Let the head hang and relax without forcing the chin toward the chest.
- While inhaling, revert to the tabletop position.
Benefits: This pose is a great way to immerse yourself in relaxation. It stretches the neck, spine, and even the abdominal organs.
Caution: Provide support to your kid by laying a hand on and between their shoulder blades if they’re having trouble arching their backs.
10. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Although this pose looks like you’re simply laying down, it serves a bigger purpose than that. Corpse pose is about meditating and relaxation, letting the body enjoy the calmness to release tension and reduce stress in the body.
- Lie on the floor with the arms resting at the sides and the feet straight.
- Remain in this pose during deep breathing exercises or while meditating.
Benefits: This is a pose that’s effective in calming oneself and reducing anxiety. It also promotes creativity and focus.
How can I get my kid to practice yoga?
Perhaps it’s not easy for all parents to convince their children to try out a new activity, especially if it’s not included in their interests. Fortunately, there are ways you can try out to get your kid to engage in yoga practice:
Keep it simple.
Remember, most kids do not want complicated things. Their level of understanding is not the same as adults. They see things in ways different from you. You can teach them yoga in simple ways like making them understand what it’s about, what you do in it, and what you are doing it for. Tell them stories about how yoga started and how it came to be. Teach them the basic aspects of it like stretching, breathing, and chanting.
Share the experience.
When you are trying to teach someone something, it’s more effective when you are doing it yourself to show them. Try practicing yoga movements with your child. This will encourage them to try out a new activity like this because it appears less scary with you by their side. It will also be a great way of bonding for both of you.
Mothers can start sharing the experience with their children as early as during their pregnancy. Yoga for pregnant women is dedicated to expectant mothers who want to keep themselves physically and emotionally prepared for labor. Plus, this also establishes a good connection between the mother and child!
Make it fun.
Kids are imaginative at their age. They want to be entertained and amused. They are easily stimulated by things that fascinate them. This is why you should try to make yoga as fun as possible. You can try turning yoga into a game or some sort of challenge wherein they win a prize at the end if they do it right. Maximize your creativity and imagination to paint a picture in their minds.
Don’t make them feel like this is something they have to do, make them realize that this is something they want to do. This way, they will be motivated to practice yoga even on their own!
Guest post by Merhannah Angni
* This post has been included by Twinkl in their blog on Extracurricular Activities.
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