Why Geniebook Is All I Need To Keep On Top My Child’s Academic Learning
People often ask me, “How much time do you spend helping your kids with homework?” And I would say, “No time at all. I don’t help them with their homework.” I have always believed in independent-learning and promised myself that I would not hover over my kids academically.
However, as they are getting older, I find myself increasingly feeling guilty and realise that I don’t even know what they are learning in school, much less how they are doing in comparison to their peers, except for the twice a year parents-teacher-conference.
My biggest fear is that by the time I find out that they are falling behind, it may be a bit too late to play catch-up.
So boy am I glad that we now have Geniebook!
What is Geniebook?
Geniebook is an online, assessment-based learning tool that offers a powerful & targeted way to sharpen a student’s academic performance & confidence.
Say what?
In a nutshell, it’s an online platform that offers a suite of essential academic tools for parents and students to make learning more suitable for the child’s level. Let me explain.
How Geniebook can help our children and us, parents
1. Geniebook replaces the need for regular assessment books and past exam sheets
Yup, no more going to the bookstores trying to figure out which assessment books are relevant to our children’s level. Geniebook online worksheets are all your child needs and would want to do (more on this later!).
When you sign up with Geniebook, your child will do his/her first assessment online. From there, the A.I. in Geniebook can detect your child’s strengths and weaknesses and then send relevant questions to them for practice.
We signed Lauren up for Mathematics on Geniebook. After her first assessment, we found out that she’s ahead of her peers (sigh of relief!) but she’s generally weaker in addition and subtraction.
So she would get more questions in her weaker areas and slightly harder questions in areas which she is good in (like multiplication and division), so it stays challenging and interesting for her. And as she does more and more worksheets and perhaps improves in certain areas, Geniebook A.I. powered technology is able to smartly tailor targeted questions accordingly.
I think this is great and learning is more effective because she won’t waste time doing question after question of a concept that she has already mastered. We can focus time & attention on mastering the areas the child finds challenging.
Also, immediately after she completes a question, she gets to see the solution for instant learning and understanding.
Answers with detailed explanation appear instantly. There are also experienced teachers on hand to mark the structured / problem sums within 3 days. This is a game-changer because I usually take forever to mark her assessment books. By the time I get back to her, she has already forgotten what a question is all about and why she made a mistake!
Geniebook saves both of us a lot of time. No more marking on my part, and she doesn’t have to revisit something she’s done aeons ago.
Speaking of time-saving, this brings me to the second point.
2. There’s no need for tuition! No more shuttling kids to and from tuition centres and waiting around for them.
This is a huge win for a busy parent with multiple children like me!
Besides worksheets, Lauren can join one of Geniebook’s Live Online Lessons to better understand concepts that are challenging for her. The lessons are conducted online once a week on a fixed day and time. Very much like tuition!
As a sidenote, Geniebook started Live Online Lessons since 2019, way before COVID-19 started and has been the forerunner in providing quality online lessons.
Lauren has not attended any tuition before except for home-based learning during circuit breaker, but I can see that she enjoys logging in and learning new concepts from her online teacher at Geniebook.
Also, if your child can’t make it to the live lessons, all lessons are recorded and students can access past online lessons at any time at their convenience.
I find this useful because Lauren has gotten very much into doing her Geniebook worksheets beyond what she’s learned from school. So whenever she comes across a new concept, she could look up past online lessons to learn on her own.
3. Geniebook encourages and motivates independence and love for learning
By now, I could imagine some of you thinking “But my kids are not driven to learn on their own. They NEED me to sit next to them!”.
Geniebook has a super fun “Bubble” points system to motivate the kids to do their worksheets! And I can vouch that it really works!
Even though Geniebook recommends that the children regularly attempt one worksheet per day and rest on weekends, Lauren did 6 worksheets within the first 4 days of signing up! I mean I can’t blame her when the reward is so attractive. She can pretty much choose whatever she wants from the Bubble Store, from “Among Us” plush toys to slime to hair scrunchies, etc.
If your child is naturally competitive, climbing to the top of the leaderboard provides small wins every time your child completes a worksheet.
I also like to note that not all worksheets are created equal. The kids receive more bubbles if they attempt worksheets with questions in areas they are weaker in – bubbles are a form of motivation to practice more with Geniebook.
4. Geniebook keeps parents on top of their children’s education
With the Geniebook Parent App, you get to monitor your children’s instant progress on your phone. At a glance, I’m able to tell the list of topics Lauren could improve on and assign worksheets to her remotely. I get a ping when she starts and completes a worksheet.
You’ll also get to view the answers and the mistakes made on each of the worksheets. For Lauren, Geniebook tells me that she tends to make more mistakes on picture graphs questions. So what I can do now, is to generate a worksheet on Geniebook focusing on picture graphs questions and guide her through it.
It comes with pretty cool math tips too! Did you know about this?☝🏻
Anyway, it makes me feel good that with the little time we have together, I’m helping her in the area she needs the most. Geniebook is perfect for busy working parents.
Geniebook offers a variety of subjects such as English, Mathematics, A. Math, and Science from Primary 1 to Secondary 4. Do check with them on the specific subjects or levels that you need. They follow the latest syllabus from the Ministry of Education Singapore. They work closely with qualified teachers and editors, and along with their patented A.I. technology, they have delivered more than 1 million worksheets to date! Geniebook is accessible on all digital devices.
Test it out with your child! Try this free strength analysis on Geniebook and receive an A.I. report on your child’s strongest and weakest concept instantly.
My book is out. Get your copy here!

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