Working Moms Raise More Independent Kids
With the number of working mothers increasing day by day, the entire concept of family, motherhood, and child-raising is undergoing a radical change. People are ditching patriarchal standards and embracing all the goodness that comes to a family with working mothers.
The phrase “working mother” itself is patriarchal as it tries to establish the two notions of ‘motherhood’ and ‘work’ as opposing or in an unnatural bond. The idea of a working mother is still being debated in several spheres. They are often held accused of any naughtiness the child does because apparently they were not as “present” as a female parent should be.
Single mothers find it really difficult to give up working for the kid as her work is the only to support the kid. It is high time people understand that a working mother can be as great at picking the best bottles for breastfed babies as she is in her office. Research shows that working mothers can actually have positive effects on the children and inculcate in them qualities such as independence, self-esteem, and hard work.
Serve as Great Role Models
A working woman can be a great example for her children, especially for a daughter. Children with working mothers realize that women are not just objects who are to be married off as soon as they grow up. This will help her daughter to be more focused on her career and build a great personality. Now that is the kind of motivation we need for our daughters.
Inculcates Respect for Women
One of the greatest positive effects of working mothers is the fact that they command reverence and children naturally understand women are not just capable of household work but can be the guardian as well. It helps them grow better sons who imbibe instinctual respect for women when they grow up. Working mothers make better mothers and raise less male chauvinist children. The equality between the sexes needs to be learned from home. Working mothers do not allow their sons to nurture fragile male ego by being an example of a strong independent woman.
Teaches the Virtue of Independence
There can be equality in a family when there is not just a mere division of labour but the sharing of labor. A mother incessantly engaged in serving and taking take of the other members of the family creates a blunt dependence of children on her which may affect them their whole lives. A working mom teaches the children to learn to do their own work from a small age. The more the child is dependent, the more he/she is spoilt.
Children Have Better Adaptability
Adaptability takes one a long way. It is said a person who can adapt well to any situation will only emerge stronger with every obstacle. Working mothers thrive the ground for children to be adaptive. It won’t be far-fetched to say that working mothers have positive effects on the family when we are talking about adaptability. If a woman is working, it is but natural that her partner would also have to learn adjusting with her.
Helps Children Becoming More Liberal
Women who go out of their houses into the real world meet more women and their horizon of thinking broadens. This then gets transferred to her children as it is through a mother’s eyes that children primarily see the world. Women witnessing women’s struggles compel the next generation to embrace and hail those brave feats that single fearless women undertake. From lesbian parents to single working mothers – they all are being normalized today because our generation has seen more women go out and bond with her kind and empower each other in turn. Children learn the very same things.
Special Benefits
A working mother may be entitled to several benefits from her workplace. These could help the kids in several ways. It could either be financial or any other. Often women at workplaces get maternity leave and such privileges. Even the corporate world today is coming out in support of women.
Spirited Women Raise Happier Kids
Women who work are known to have lesser depression than women who do not. This is because when you have a focal point in life, it becomes easier to stay lively. It is not any different for mothers working from home. Work gives women a sense of identity and such women raise happier kids as the times they spend with their children are, for most parts, quality time. Children have never thrived while having a frustrated mother around them all the time.
The benefits of working mothers are thus several not only for her kids alone but for the entire family. It creates an atmosphere of positivity, respect, and cooperation in the home. Write to us in the comment section about your experiences. We love to hear from you.
Author’s bio:
Rachel Burns is an experienced copywriter and photographer with a design diploma. She works with startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers and companies from around the world. In addition to writing articles and promotional materials, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking and spending time with her family.
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