How Parents Can Stay Fit And Healthy
When you become a parent your entire life will change, and the small things that you used to be able to do with ease – without even thinking about – suddenly become a lot more difficult. Staying fit and healthy is one of those small things. Where it used to be easy to spend time cooking a healthy meal, or go out to the gym to take a class whenever suited you, once you have a child or children to look after it can be much harder. Yet it is essential that parents stay fit and healthy in order to be able to care for their children and to be good role models. Here are some ways it can be done.
Eat Well
It can become so easy to just grab some takeout or microwave a TV dinner because there is no time to do anything else when it comes to food, but this is not good for you if it happens on a daily basis. It’s crucial that you eat well so that your body and mind can be as fit as possible.
One of the best ways to do this is to batch cook healthy meals. When your baby is down for a nap, for example, or when they are playing, or, if you have older children, when they are at school or a club at the weekend or evening, you can spend a little time cooking a large quantity of food which you can then freeze for a later date.
Alternatively, you can get the children involved in the cooking. This means there will always be time and it is teaching them good habits for the future.
Make Time For Exercise
Exercise is one of the cornerstones of keeping fit and healthy, and it can be done in numerous different ways. It’s important to carve out a little time for this during the week so that you can keep on top of your fitness levels. You might choose to join affordable gyms that you can attend when your children are with your partner, at doing their own activities. Taking the children out for a walk (even pushing a stroller) is good exercise for everyone. Bike riding is great too, and a lovely way to spend time together, as is simply playing in the yard.
When it comes to exercise, what you do is far less important than the fact you are doing it. If you can get your whole family involved it will be easier to find the time to do it, and again, it instils good habits in your children as they are growing up, hopefully helping them to become healthy adults.
Parents can often assume that they should be able to forgo sleep – after all, that’s what the media tells us happens once we have children. However, this is not the case, and it is important to get as much sleep as possible in order to be fit and healthy.
All children are different, and some will sleep through the night from a very early age, whereas others will find it more difficult to settle. If you have the former, then there is no reason why the entire household can’t get a good night’s sleep every night. If the latter, then take it in turns with your partner to sleep through the night. If you are the one waking to assist your child, then make use of your time – exercise or batch cook while you are awake and then you will have more time to nap during the day when your children are napping too.
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