4 Ways To Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Photo credit: fizkes / Shutterstock
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of being fit and well, and if we don’t get enough, or the quality of the sleep we get is poor, our health – both mental and physical – can suffer. Yet sometimes it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep, especially as a parent. Below are four tips on what to do so that you feel better and are healthier. Sleeping well helps with all aspects of life, so it truly is crucial.
1. Pay Attention
First and foremost, remember that there is always a reason for lack of sleep or poor sleep quality. It’s essential to discover what that reason is that it might be something serious, and your body is trying to tell you that you need help. Sleeplessness can be a symptom of many things including depression, stress, type II diabetes, ulcers, and drug addiction. If you can find the underlying cause, you can not only start to sleep better by being treated by a doctor or going to the Georgia Drug Detox Center, but you can make yourself healthier too.
Of course, sometimes lack of sleep is due to merely having children who wake during the night, or going to bed too late and waking up too early, and this is something you can fix yourself, rather than needing any outside intervention.
2. Don’t Use Screens In The Bedroom
Although you may think it’s a good way to unwind when you get to bed, watching TV, using your smartphone, or browsing the internet on a laptop is actually bad for you in terms of getting a good night’s sleep. These devices emit a blue light which, although you can’t differentiate it from any other light, will affect your circadian rhythm. It means that your body may not realize it’s time for sleep, and therefore it will be more challenging to get to sleep.
Stop using your devices at least an hour before bed. If you don’t like going to bed and going straight to sleep, or you want to watch TV until it’s time to go to bed, for example, then try reading instead of watching a screen. Doing so will help to relax you and will set your circadian rhythm correctly.
3. Exercise More
Sometimes lack of sleep can be due to not having been active enough during the day. Every now and then it’s good for you to take a ‘day off’ and relax and effectively do nothing. However, doing this every day and not spending any time doing any form of exercise is bad for you. It’s bad for your physical health (especially if you don’t watch your diet as well), but it will also make it more difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep. Your body just isn’t tired enough to do it.
4. Avoid Stimulants
When you’re feeling tired during the day, it can be tempting to make a strong cup of coffee, or indulge in an energy drink, for example, but although you might feel more wide awake once you have consumed these drinks, they can cause problems when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Caffeine consumed late in the day (after around 3 pm) can have an effect on the quality of sleep you get, for example. It’s better to forgo the stimulants and get a good night’s sleep at the right time, as you will feel better and brighter the next day.
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