Remember this photo on my Instagram?

Recently I took part in Dyson dust report where a team of ‘dust squad’ collected dust samples from homes around Singapore and conducted an analysis on the contents of household dust. This study aims to provide insight into how to best maintain a healthy living environment.

I was rather nervous about what they may pick up from my place. So I spruced my place up a bit prior to the dust squad’s arrival and thought smugly to myself, “Ops.. there may not be any dust left for her”.

Then, there she was. Armed with powerful Dyson V6 powered cordless vacuum, she explained that the machine was able to pick up dust mites, pollen, spores, fungus and pets allergen that are hidden from the naked eye, from deep within the mattresses and sofa cushions.

These are the dust samples collected in about 10 minutes. I couldn’t believe my eyes. While the surfaces of my mattress and sofa seemed spotless, the Dyson V6 Vacuum managed to suck out these finer than sand, tiny particles.

Off these went to the microbiology lab at the National University of Singapore.

Yesterday, I got my result back at the unveiling of the Dyson/NUS Dust Research event.

What am I living with?

As you can see, my house is all clear of cat, dog and mouse allergen. Yay!

But don’t get too comfortable yet if you do not own a pet. From the study, it showed that despite the low number of homes with pets involved in the research, pets allergen showed up in a large number of homes. This means you could be unknowingly bringing cats and dogs allergen home from work, restaurants or a friend’s house.

I’m also happy that molds are not found in my home. However, Apergillus Niger (a type of mould) which can cause lung infection has been found in 80% of Singaporean homes*. Yikes.

The area which I should be concerned with is dust mites. With the high density count of American Dust Mite present in my home (20.31 microgram  per 1 gram of dust), it increases the risk of my family members developing dust mites allergy, if they haven’t already.

I’m not alone though. The Dyson dust report found that within the homes, the highest concentrations of allergens are found in the mattress. 70 to 80% of Singapore population are reacting against this allergen.

Do you know that you could be sleeping with 1 million dust mites every night? Yup, that is equivalent to the population of Shenzen. These dust mites are feasting on our dead skin cells and pooping as we are sleeping. Their droppings contained highly allergenic protein that may trigger asthmatic and other allergic symptoms. To be honest, I didn’t sleep very well last night knowing what’s lurking in my bed.

So how can we keep dust mites at bay?

At the event, Dr Ong Kian Chung, a respiratory specialist from Mount Elizabeth Hospital explained that to keep a healthy home environment, we should:
Avoid having carpets or rugs in bedrooms

Sheets, blankets, and other bedclothes should be washed frequently in hot water because lower temperatures will not kill dust mites. If you set your hot water temperature lower (commonly done to prevent children from scalding themselves), wash items at a laundromat which uses high wash temperatures.

Not leave clothes and soft toys laying around. These should be kept in the cupboard or sealed toy box.

Use window blinds instead of curtains. If you must, use only plain, lightweight curtains on the windows.

Keep furniture and furnishings to a minimum and avoid upholstered furniture and blinds.

Use synthetic mite-proof mattress and pillow cover. Avoid fuzzy wool blankets or feather-stuffed comforters and mattress pads.

Use air purifiers. A dehumidifier may also help because house mites need high humidity to live and grow.

Special vacuum cleaners, such as the Dyson V6, that are strong enough to penetrate deep below the surface and has efficient filtration to trap dust, dirt and microscopic particles, ensuring that the air that comes out of the machine is cleaner than the air we breathe. 

Lets make our homes clean and keep our loved ones healthy. Leave a comment and let me know what methods you are using to keep dust at away from home.

*Goh V et al. DNA-Based Analyses of Molds in Singapore Public Buildings Results in a Proposed Singapore Environment Relative Moldiness Index 2014; Tropical Biomedicine 31(4): 663-669.