People often ask me what I do with the kids at home. Yes, I belong to the camp whose kids who don’t attend pre-pre-school (yes the twice ‘pre’ was intended) or any regular enrichment class. I’m not going to justify my reason for our current arrangement. I have nothing against parents who send their kids to pre-kindy either. This is not one of those post.
This is just a post that takes a glimpse into what my kids and I are up to, on rainy days or more often than not, because we live in Singapore, we stay home because it is too hot to go out!
Jigsaw Puzzles
Lauren is a huge fan of jigsaw puzzles. She can do them over and over again for hours by herself. Sometimes we have a little race to see who completes her set first. No prize given to the winner except a little pride that last 2 seconds until she demands a re-race, even when she has won.
By the way, her birthday is coming up in 2 months. So… if you are wondering, more jigsaw puzzles please?
This is another big one. I give her a piece of blank paper, a brush, some water colour and she can go wild mixing the colours and ‘painting‘ on her own. If you consider dragging her brush back and forth on random spot of the paper as painting, so yeah, my daughter paints. Sometimes, Georgia joins in too but Lauren reckons Georgia messes up her painting.
Hide & Seek
Hide and seek is generally not advisable for children under the age of 3, especially if your house is big. In our version, I hide a toy (a ball or most of the time, it’s Barney) and the girls will go around the room finding it. I keep the activity in one room, otherwise the kiddos might take days to uncover the hidden item.
Sometimes I give clues and suggestions on where to look and they get to learn preposition of place – under, above, behind, inside, etc. Home learning, y’all!
Singing Performances
Lauren is into singing lately and she could go on forever. If you long for a bit of peace and quiet, DO NOT suggest this activity to your child. Because once they start singing they could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…..
Water Play Time aka Bath Time
Throw in some toys in the bath tub and it becomes a play time instead of a plain old bath time. If you want to bathe them at the same time, be careful of slippery floors from the soaps. Also, keep them in view at all times. Small children can drown in just 2 inches of water.
Stretching & Exercises
Children are always imitating the adults. All I need to do is stand in front of the mirror and do some stationary exercises and stretches. Without prompting, Lauren and Georgia will come running and copy ‘mommy’s funny movements’. Be prepared for lots of laugh and silliness for this activity.
Learn a new language
Some people I know get their underwear all twisted up when I say I let my kids watch videos and play kids educational games on Ipad. Well, it is just Lauren at this point, but I’m not ruling out letting Georgia have a go when she is older. It gives me some much needed break to make calls and answer emails. Something has got to give if you are a work from home mom, I supposed. Again, just because it is generally ‘frown upon’ doesn’t mean it is bad, in my dictionary. As mothers, we know what’s best for our own family and circumstances. Do not let society standard determines your parenting style.
Camping indoor
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I can’t find a recent photo of our tents. This was taken when Lauren was 1.5 years old. |
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Bath time is one we use a lot in the winter too! It's fun, takes up some time and…did I mention fun? 😉
Bath time is one we use a lot in the winter too! It's fun, takes up some time and…did I mention fun? 😉
These are such great go-to activities for those days when we are stuck inside. Great ideas! Will be pinning.
These are such great go-to activities for those days when we are stuck inside. Great ideas! Will be pinning.
My kids love playing with blocks and bricks at home!
My kids love playing with blocks and bricks at home!
I recalled doing some of the rainy day activities with my kids when they were younger. Board games, drawing and craft are some of them. Remind me of the good old days.
I recalled doing some of the rainy day activities with my kids when they were younger. Board games, drawing and craft are some of them. Remind me of the good old days.
Indoor camping is such a brilliant idea!! I must try this with the kids.
Indoor camping is such a brilliant idea!! I must try this with the kids.
My girls are stuck on the ipad almost all the time when they are home (and even when out while commuting)! I have to constantly come up with things for them to do to distract them, but 30mins into any other activity they would ask for ipad again! 🙁
My girls are stuck on the ipad almost all the time when they are home (and even when out while commuting)! I have to constantly come up with things for them to do to distract them, but 30mins into any other activity they would ask for ipad again! 🙁
My kids love building tents too! It's a great way to spend an afternoon. They're really happy if I allow them to take food into their tents for a picnic. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your days at home.
My kids love building tents too! It's a great way to spend an afternoon. They're really happy if I allow them to take food into their tents for a picnic. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your days at home.
I know exactly what you are talking about! My older one is obsessed with the Ipad too. We still let her play once in a while but now we tell her that daddy 'needs' it at work (so no ipad at all during the day) and it 'needs' to be charged, she let us takes it off her hands and move on to other activities. Now she is hooked on jigsaw puzzles and building blocks. Good luck!
I know exactly what you are talking about! My older one is obsessed with the Ipad too. We still let her play once in a while but now we tell her that daddy 'needs' it at work (so no ipad at all during the day) and it 'needs' to be charged, she let us takes it off her hands and move on to other activities. Now she is hooked on jigsaw puzzles and building blocks. Good luck!
Yes Emma, and I can take my time putting lotions and all on myself while monitoring them. Win!
Yes Emma, and I can take my time putting lotions and all on myself while monitoring them. Win!
So what do you do with them now that they are older? Please share!
So what do you do with them now that they are older? Please share!
Hahaha, yes. I must say I didn't come up with it. I was just putting my bed sheet to dry on the chairs one day and found Lauren very fascinated with running in and out of the 'tent' 🙂
Hahaha, yes. I must say I didn't come up with it. I was just putting my bed sheet to dry on the chairs one day and found Lauren very fascinated with running in and out of the 'tent' 🙂
Hahaha, yes. I must say I didn’t come up with it. I was just putting my bed sheet to dry on the chairs one day and found Lauren very fascinated with running in and out of the ‘tent’ 🙂
I know exactly what you are talking about! My older one is obsessed with the Ipad too. We still let her play once in a while but now we tell her that daddy ‘needs’ it at work (so no ipad at all during the day) and it ‘needs’ to be charged, she let us takes it off her hands and move on to other activities. Now she is hooked on jigsaw puzzles and building blocks. Good luck!
So what do you do with them now that they are older? Please share!
Yes Emma, and I can take my time putting lotions and all on myself while monitoring them. Win!
Great list that you put up Mich!
Lol!! I did all of the above ten things and more with my children at home, not just for raining days! I guess a SAHM knows how insane it is to keep the little ones entertained for long hours right? 😉
Did all these when my girls were much younger, beautiful memories.. Both my girls are schooling now, really missed those times… Thanks for sharing.
So so agree with this post! there are loads of things we can do indoors and kids would love them.
Used to do these with my kids too! I missed those days… now that they are older we have to change the activities.
Hide & Seek and bathing are my boys’ favourites!!
My vote goes to painting and crafts.. but I would say my kids love the IPad for sure on rainy days..
Anything to keep the kids busy, time pass easier with laughters 🙂
Good list!
cheers, Andy
I was laughing reading it as most of them we enjoy together not only when it rains but also when it is terribly hot.
You’re right. In Singapore, we are probably stuck at home more often because it’s too hot!
Our fav indoor activity is snuggling up over a good book or two. 🙂 Your ideas are great for those hazy days too!
aww your girls are too adorable! I love camping indoors too.. more comfy hahahaha
Ai @
Sakura Haruka