Lauren turned 18 months old on April 5th.. a few weeks ago. My baby is growing up fast, sob!

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Statistics: Lauren is now 11kg and 82cm tall!

Daily Routine:
She wakes up at 8am every morning, and wakes me up by climbing on top of me and digs at my belly button. She has her breakfast of either yogurt with muesli, peanut butter jelly sandwich and if I’m in the mood, I would make pancakes. She washes it down with yakult or milk. We usually have lunch at 12pm, and she naps at 1pm. Wakes up from naps at 3pm, she then loves a long bath. She watches Hi5 at 6pm while I prepare dinner. Dinner at 7pm and she climbs onto the bed at 9:30pm by herself. She expects her milk to be served, and falls asleep between 10 to 10:30pm.

First Words: Her first clear and repeatable word finally(!) is buh-byeeee.. while waving her hands. Her 1,2,3 is ‘why, hoo, huey’. She also yells a very pitchy “Daa dai” when Nick gets home from work.

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She could sit in the baby chair and feeds herself with a fork. She can’t handle the spoon yet. She loves plain white rice, good artisan bread, and fish balls. She used to like prawn but has been rejecting them lately. She snacks on watermelon, guava, grapes, mango, raisins, dried apricots, oreos, cashew nuts and mamee noodle.

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Doing: Lauren loves grocery shopping where she immediately goes for the shopping basket upon arrival. She then loads random things into her basket, while trailing behind me. This goes on until we reach the yakult shelves. She picks a packet up, passes it to me so I can break the packaging apart and hand her a bottle to drink right there and then. She would get back into her stroller and sits there sipping her drink quietly while I continue to shop.

At the end of every Hi5 show, there is footage of the members picking children up and waving and doing high fives. Lauren would run to me (if I’m in the kitchen) or climb on to of me (if I’m watching it with her), so we can do exactly the same thing as the people in the show – hugging each other and waving.

My bad for letting her watches the television too much, she knows what comes next in the video or concert. Eg. She climbs off the sofa to lie on the floor and roll around when ‘Rolling Down The Sandhills’ comes on. She also dances to ‘Rock-a-bye Bear’ and ‘Quack Quack Quack’.

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Messiest kid at the playgroup

Loves: Watching The Wiggles, Mother Goose Club and Kinder Surprises videos on our smart phones. She also has a knack for climbing onto tables and desks at the moment.

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Learning to put socks on by herself
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I love the peaceful look on her face when she sleeps

PS: Here is how Lauren looked like as a newborn.

PPS: Link up with me on Google+, so I can add you back!