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3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids


Blissfully unaware of the impending days

1. The lack of sleep
Sure, everyone would warn you about what little sleep you’ll have once the baby arrived. But you thought, hey it can’t be that bad. Surely babies sleep a lot and I can then sleep as much too. SO WRONG! I tried the nap while baby naps method but guess what? Baby’s sleeping rhythm is very different from us. They fall in and out of sleep easily and many times. So by the time I finally nod off, she is awake and needs to be fed again.

2. Separation anxiety and milk leakage
Not baby. It is me. The first time I ventured out without her, just to get some shopping done, I found myself unable to focus on task at hand. I can’t remember what I need to get, maybe it was also a case of pregnancy brain but I kept thinking about her. Whenever I come across another child , I can’t help but stared. I mentally compared if Lauren is bigger, smaller, sounded weirder etc etc.

Oh and whenever I think about her, my breast leaked. Once I was trying on some bras at a department store (I should have bought them during pregnancy), I heard a baby cry and the milk came spraying out. I had to wait a good 5 minutes for it to stop.

3. The joy of having time to yourself – End to total freedom.
Things that I took for granted before kids: Eating slowly, reading a book, fitting for clothes and shoes at the shop, meeting friends at a short notice, 2-hours-of-getting-ready before a night out, long shower, sitting on the toilet bowl for as long as I want. Well, you get what I mean. Your life changes, and there is not turning back.

I hope I am not scaring anyone from having kids. It is a wonderful experience. I wouldn’t change it for anything else but be prepared for the rocky first few months!

PS: Do follow me on FacebookPinterest and Instagram for updates on newborn, motherhood and looking after yourself.


I love my family, building successful ventures and helping others achieve their dream motherhood. This blog combines those three loves.

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